Closure Flange will protect drum content with maximum security, free from leakage and contamination.
Finished with zinc plated passivation in Chrome 3 and Chrome 6, or coated with epoxy phenolic.
NBR, EPDM and PE Gasket are available according to various drum filers. Along with numerous drum content, PE, NBR, EPDM Gasket can be chosen.
Its size is 2 inch or 3/4 inch, for standard drum 55 gallon stainless steel drum, flange surface process is galvanized Cr3 or Cr6.
The octagonal flange is supposed to riveted on metal drum lid providing a seal base for drum plug to be torqued on.
Drum flange needs to be riveted onto drum top by flange insertion die before using. It forms a base for drum plug to screw in after drum flange riveted. Customers could choose steel drum plug, plastic drum plug or nylon plug based on contents in the drum.
Flange riveting is crucial in terms of final sealing results. Regular maintenance or replacement of insertion die is necessary to keep riveting quality. Key parameters, including insertion die abrasion and flange height after riveting, need to be checked if problems occur.
Galvanization is always the major process in the production of drum flange that could lead to pollution. Each single piece of drum flange is zinc plated from lines that execute the theory of environmental protection throughout the whole process.
Standard gasket for lacquered drum flange includes EPDM, NBR and dual gasket. Special formulated gaskets are available on requests. Once riveted onto drum top, coated flange is able to provide maximum sealing effects for the steel drum.
Zinc plated drum plug is G2 and G3/4 round shape bungs which screw into drum flange , Lacquered drum plug is G2 and G3/4 drum plug with lacquered resins for better resistance to the drum filers, such as food contact, solvent corrosion and high temperature, There are golden brown, green and golden yellow etc lacquered,
Every piece of drum plug will go through the leakage inspection machine before packaging. Our always making efforts to keep the filers in steel drums safe.
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